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See all. See more details about Image Subscription Plan. Naturally, two of the squad being Otaku to some degree, they couldn't be happier. He also frequently lists being "elven and handsome" regarding his desirability as a sex partner. Also played with by the characters who discuss why they are attracted to the Asian ladies at Harvard "They're hot, they're smart, they're not Jewish note Said by a Jew , and they can't dance! In Clerks: The Animated Series , Randall is interested in Asian Chicks, though when through some wacky circumstance he has several Geishas eager to do his bidding, he sends them out for porn featuring Asian women. Daphne: This explains that so-called "mix up" at the video store. Star Trek : Spock's father Sarek has been married to human women twice, despite the fact that this is strongly frowned upon in Vulcan society. Reasons to recommend Image Subscription Plan. Comic Books Jill: Part-time Lover has the title character outright state a preference for Black men based on confidence and style every guy is well-endowed in this world so it's not that trope to the extent she gives her real name and number instead of it being "business" with the book's last encounter being three of them, which would normally qualify as Where da White Women At? The Onion : Parodied in this article. They are all virgins so they left a loophole that real sex was allowed not thinking it was going to happen.

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