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Centennial World. This opened her up to an onslaught of requests from viewers saying they would pay for more sexually explicit content from her. Selected edition. Gwen Swinarton is a Canadian YouTuber who made the TikTok account, Gwen The Milkmaid, in February of this year where she posts about her conservative values, anti-vax beliefs, homesteading, and her aspirations of living a tradwife life. She also spewed more anti-government rhetoric in relation to climate change. Gwen lived in downtown Toronto, Ontario for the first several years of her YouTube career. She began responding to these comments and launched an OnlyFans account in July While some long-time viewers argue that Gwen is cosplaying as a tradwife influencer to grow a following and drive more traffic to her OnlyFans, there have been signs that Gwen was headed down the alt-right pipeline for years. However, it could also be misleading, say some critics. She was previously posting on TikTok from the account gwengwiz , which is still live but inactive. If Swinarton is your first introduction to the concept of a tradwife, know that the exact definition of a tradwife can vary. Sign in.

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