Girls do por

Girls do por

Sign In Create Account. In a court testimony in October , Wolfe said that GirlsDoPorn continued to recruit new women, whose contracts did not mention the name of the website. Archived PDF from the original on July 23, Courthouse News Service. Wolfe was involved with Pratt's work from onwards. January 8, In addition to being released on GirlsDoPorn. Skip to content. Archived from the original on July 16, Adult Video News. Sammartino's order grants the video rights to GirlsDoPorn victims, who can now seek "takedown" notices, under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, against websites that continue to allow the films to be shown. Douglas Wiederhold is the latest defendant to plead guilty in the criminal cases against the website's owners and operators, whom prosecutors say engaged in a years-long sex trafficking conspiracy in which women were coerced and tricked into appearing in pornographic videos under false pretenses.

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