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Thank you so much for all of your prayers. Kobe was known as a fierce competitor on the basketball court, the greatest of all time, a writer, an Oscar winner, and the Black Mamba. I will miss your sweet handmade cards, your sweet kisses, and your gorgeous smile. JM: I love that you have a sense of humor about all the times you've had to come out. Kobe Bryant pictured with his daughters Gianna left , Natalia far right , Bianka bottom , Capri with a bow in her hair and wife Vanessa. But now, being in love with the love of my life, I'm just like, "Okay. In honor of Juneteenth , meet The Normal Anomaly. Some people can take two weeks to work on an act. I was like, "Okay, who do I tell about this? I needed those people to tell me that I was beautiful. I listened to a podcast called Dissect. Yahoo Feed.

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