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Although Holmes was not present during the robbery, Nash apparently suspected he had a part in it. Holmes' career was promoted with a series of outrageous claims that he made over the years many made up on the spur of the moment by Holmes himself. Retrieved November 30, BearManor Media. More information about the RTA Label and compatible services can be found here. After spending nearly five months on the run with Schiller, Holmes was arrested in Florida on December 4, , by former LAPD homicide detectives Frank Tomlinson and Tom Lange the latter of whom later gained fame for his role in the O. After his death, his ex-wife Sharon came across a footlocker , plated in 24k gold leaf , which contained photographic references to Holmes' "private work" and which she burned. In late , a mutual friend introduced Holmes to Chris Coxx, who owned the Odyssey nightclub. Lollipop 26 sec 26 sec Sufari Mulan - He ranks among the most prolific adult film performers, with documented credits for at least films. Holmes in his posthumously-released autobiography, Porn King. Holmes recalled that Bowman was a good father until his younger half-brother David was born, at which point Bowman reportedly lost interest in his stepchildren and began neglecting them.

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