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Starring: Pat Henschel. Synopsis: A struggling comedy writer, fresh from breaking up with his boyfriend, moves to Sacramento to help his sick mother. Bareback 17, Videos. Want some alert? Gabriel Clark pokes Olivier Robert. Critics Consensus: Earnest without being didactic and uplifting without stooping to sentimentality, Pride is a joyous crowd-pleaser that genuinely works. Directed By: Julia Ducournau. May 19th, Views: Critics Consensus: Sexy, smart, and darkly humorous, Stranger by the Lake offers rewarding viewing for adult filmgoers in search of thought-provoking drama. August 18th, Views: Critics Consensus: Dallas Buyers Club rests squarely on Matthew McConaughey's scrawny shoulders, and he carries the burden gracefully with what might be a career-best performance. June 7th, Views:

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