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George Smitherman , the first openly gay MPP elected to the provincial legislature in Ontario, represented the district from to Mike Littwin Opinion columnist Milittwin gmail. In , CBC Gem premiered the web series Queens , a comedic mystery set in the neighbourhood and starring several real life Toronto drag queens. Subscribe to get an exclusive first look at his columns twice a week. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. In the past, when I had thought of a flag, I saw it as just another icon to lampoon. George , the electoral district which included the Church and Wellesley village at that time, as perhaps the only electoral district in North America outside San Francisco where the support of gay voters could almost singlehandedly determine the winner. James Town St. I discovered the depth of their power, their transcendent, transformational quality. Subarus tend to be the vehicle of choice for lesbians, or so I've observed, especially older wagons. He has covered Dr. March 2,

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