Frog butt nude

Frog butt nude

I don't know exactly how I feel about it in theory, but in practice, I'd sure hate to see any of MY relatives in one. I'm just glad I didn't remember it at the party, I wouldn't have stopped laughing. Thanks, BL! They may see nothing wrong with showing bare butts but it could get them into situations they are emotionally ready to handle. It seems that all of the morality that we were taught has gone completely out the window, I am positive that she is a sweet girl but this generation doesn't appear to have any self respect, "times are ah changing" Don sounds like a very fun loving man, it's good to hold onto memory reminders like the frog, I need to look for that game next time we go to a carnival, frog flopping sounds like a blast. True, 'underwear' as we know it hasn't been in existence all that long in the grand scheme of things, but before then, at least the skirts went to the floor. Nice that you were able to to save at least one of Don's frogs and not share with dirty, rough fingers. I think parents have a hard time putting down rules when all the young singers the kids idolize are showing their wares on TV. If we had had the internet back then, Don probably would have bought his own game and let all the neighborhood kids play. Also don't like the suggestive poses females, particularly school going girls or younger, take for pix. LOL I don't want to sound gross but I can't imagine what those thongs look and smell like when they take them off. All and all, I was glad the week was over and ended with a relaxing party.

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