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Health education activities began by conducting a pre-test using a questionnaire on risky sexual behavior in adolescents, then providing education with the lecture method and playing a video on the impact of sexual behavior on adolescents, and ending with a question-and-answer session accompanied by a post-test. Hidayat K. Muslichah M, Hilman O. Indexed In Indexed In. Handbook of Victims and Victimology. Adiponectin levels and its role in insulin resistance among adult women with metabolic syndrome. Beliau menambahkan beberapa informasi berupa lembaga atau yayasan pertolongan maupun pendampingan bagi masyarakat yang kecanduan pornografi hingga seks bebas. Dalam acara ini, seluruh civitas akademika UNJ, termasuk pimpinan, dosen, staf, mahasiswa, dan alumni, bersatu untuk merayakan hari jadi UNJ. Abdul Haris Fatgehipon, M. Conclusion: There is an effect of counseling about sexuality on the knowledge of the dangers of free sex in early adolescents. Published by: CV. Downloads Download data is not yet available.

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