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The parents should be aware of the danger behind it. The Supreme Court Handbook in a clear and accessible manner, along with relevant case law, explains how language plays an important role in perpetuating gender stereotypes and thereby hinders gender equality. Juli says that moral and relational laws are twisted to the point where right and wrong get morphed into a world of grey—a world where black and white can no longer be untwisted. Add to this confusion the fact that this growing sexual appetite among women seems uncommon, even unnatural, and the blurring of gender roles rises to a whole new level. That is necessary for a healthy young generation who are to become the beacons of hope of our nation in the future. A High Court's utterance, even as an out of place, obiter dicta, provides direction to its subordinate courts as they hear and dispose matrimonial cases, sexual assault cases and other cases in which gender-based roles and conduct are considered, whether expressly or impliedly. Stereotype Reality Women are more nurturing and better suited to care for others. Women are often socially conditioned to care for others from a young age. Unfortunately, life has consequences that are not revealed in fantasy, and the relational consequences of embracing a twisted reality can be dangerous. For a Judge to harbour a notion that only a mother can cook food for her child is affirming a gender stereotype that is seriously prejudicial to the family as an institution and women as a class, and even disenfranchises fathers with culinary skills! Read more like this. Women who work outside of the home do not care about their children.

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