Fiona y cake xxx

Fiona y cake xxx

My cups clock in on the light side grams for all-purpose ; you can also estimate grams and the recipe will be fine. It is a go to recipe for my during rhubarb season, which it is in my corner of the world right now. Found the answer to my question about the macerated rhubarb liquid, so no need to reply! Turns out, I omitted the sour cream — but the cake was still delish! Again, so good. Which do you prefer — am making a tea this weekend and i wanted to make that rhubarb cake but am now stuck for choice. I really appreciate it! I know for sure this is the recipe as I saved it for the future can you let me know and maybe send me your previous recipe as I like that one better: Much appreciated! Does anyone have any suggestions? This cake was amazing Caroline!! Thanks for another rhubarb recipe to add to my collection! My God that was the nicest cake we have ever had.

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