Family sexual stories

Family sexual stories

No towels so they drip dried. My attention was quickly turned back to mom as her right hand circled my rock solid shaft. My throbbing shaft felt huge in her wet mouth as I shook from the intense pleasure I received from mom's very talented tongue and mouth. I had to grip her hips hard with my left arm to be able to hold her clit in my mouth as she began bucking her hips wildly. At age 37, she has quite a sexy body. Linda just loved being treated like a cheap whore, but it became too much, and suddenly she felt her cunt contract, and she began to have a massive orgasm. I was really surprised at this, but my mom told me it was ok. I started touching my daughter when she was five and she loved it. She happily obliged and even kissed me while I rubbed her little clit. They taught us kids that it was okay for us to have sex with each other. As the family encouraged me, I sucked hard and moved my mouth up and down his cock even faster. Her dark tan and tanlines, white breasts and pussy mound with all the curves in just the right places.

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