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Be the first to know. Exclusive , hide. POV , hide. They say some women were pressured into signing documents without reading them or threatened with legal action; some were "not permitted to leave the shooting locations until the videos were made"; and some were "forced to perform certain sex acts they had declined to do, or they would not be paid or allowed to leave". Gangbang 13, hide. In its statement, MindGeek said: "Anyone who attempts to post nonconsensual imagery or child sexual abuse material on the internet is a criminal, and we are committed to remaining at the forefront of the internet when it comes to the elimination of illegal content. So for all the free sites like Pornhub, more content is always better. Behind The Scenes 10, hide. MindGeek also owns porn production companies that create content, but for years, a majority of the content on Pornhub was uploaded by unverified users. Former porn star: Contracts 'prey on young girls'. Romantic 35, hide. Please Contact Support.

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