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In June, , Brown Rudnick, the law firm representing Fleites, Rachel, and more than thirty other women, filed a lawsuit against MindGeek. MindGeek has been contacted for comment on the Jane Does' legal filing. But the company had recently been in the news after being accused of failing to adequately screen its content. A woman named Tina, a technology assistant and mother of three, told me that, in , an abusive ex-boyfriend posted explicit videos of her on Pornhub without her permission. Linda Hirshman, a cultural historian and the author of several books about social movements, told me that not only did Dworkin and MacKinnon lose the debate but that they and their allies were attacked so harshly that it silenced others. Pornhub owner settles with Girls Do Porn victims over videos. She asked the boy to report the account to Tumblr. Read next. Rachel stopped sleeping, and spent her days and nights searching for the videos and filling out dozens of removal-request forms. Details of the suit are contained in a legal filing first reported by Vice. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. One of the biggest assets is that you keep your personal life absolutely secret.

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