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Hell I can't even think of a tan Latina one, cuz I know for a fact Ironmouse is definitely a pastey Latina and that one Argentine bitch is also prob white af. Oh and for whatever reason why she pursued the art of twerking to match a black chick over a white chick like nyanners and mel I guess she was trying to impress philipinos there are multiple ass shake gifs of mel and nyanners but they still havent perfected it. Arphee October 4, , pm I doubt Snuffy has a boyfriend. Off topic but, anyone know any of those? Teaching javascript, regex and xpath is beyond the scope of what im willing to do. Last edited: Oct 5, Bingus varishangout. She does seem interested in white dudes based on collabs and video game characters from resident evil 4 and some final fantasy game she brought up in aethels channel with mouse and nyanners. Last edited: Oct 2, Also yeah, she is not the queen of spades type because of interactions with Aethel and Corpse. Click to expand

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