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A few of the files include more supposed sensitive data, such as passwords, IP addresses, and partial social security numbers. The potential appearance of a conflict of interest over the Harvard case was noted in a recent investigation by the New Yorker reporter Jane Mayer that takes a deep dive into the overlapping interests of the couple. Unwoke S. If this is the best mud that Mr. A statement from Sen. Yeah right. Every non-leftwing nominee to any position who has to go before a house or senate committee has the same accusations leveled at them by, usually women, who appear out of obscurity and claim this, that or the other offence… usually something that allegedly occurred ten or twenty years previously that is therefore completely unverifiable, unprovable and undocumented. By Lionel Shriver. Kate Middleton is seen in public for first time since cancer diagnosis: Smiling Princess of Wales is joined Met Office issues weather warning as more rain and thunderstorms sweep the country - with no sign of summer The parallels between the Thomas confirmation hearings and the Kavanaugh situation are striking. World Politics.

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