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And if so, why oh why is the Feminist Sexpert not a judge? Stands short of an apology, but then again ohare is a "short" sighted person. It's kinda hard to unring a bell, and more difficult to comprehend that she thinks she got harassed because she put her ass out there for everyone to see.. He's off to a horrible start. For while he was the first household name male porn star, his actions on and off the screen were anything but feminist. Arriving on the scene in his early 20s, Duke happily submitted to many a dominatrix in a number of his films. By Ellie Pithers. Sorry she lied to you Bernie. Bringing her words and images to the screen was director Deborah Shames, the first female softcore director. While wandering around looking for help, she is raped repeatedly. And Playgirl titles were directed exclusively by women, including my friend and mentor Kelly Holland. And how.

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