Chatbot pornhub

Chatbot pornhub

The chatbot itself could also be improved. Topics artificial intelligence algorithms porn Search. The IWF is the UK-based international non-profit which finds and removes images and videos of child sexual abuse from the internet. Pornhub deserves credit for piloting this programme, and it shows what can be done, and the positives that can come from collaborative, innovative approaches like this. Before Pornhub started trialing the chatbot, it was already pointing people toward the Lucy Faithfull Foundation website using a static page when they searched for any of its 28, terms. However, helpline calls, emails, and online chats showed an increase over the duration of the trial. The static warning page signposts users to stop searches and even contact support channels. Matt Burgess. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information. You can find her full portfolio over on… All Posts by Rachael Davies. This research and findings help us better understand what is working and how to best mitigate the ability of bad actors to misuse platforms. Our technology We build Tech for Good to help protect children online.

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