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And yet I do it to myself all the time. Re: Chastity and our wedding night Post by KittensBoyToy » Tue May 14, pm If you do the traditional garter toss to the waiting single males the key could be attached to it. Please let us know your expert thoughts on the above aswell. I am aroused mentally, but I look down and find that my penis hasn't hardened at all. Congratulations on your coming nuptials! Top Posters. Re: Chastity and our wedding night Post by Devoted2Her » Fri May 17, pm A lot of keyholders I have seen online wear the key on an ankle bracelet, maybe while doing the garter, you could simultaneously put the key on a chain around her ankle? Wow… and i thought my CBs was small! Guest New member. Apologise to her for 6 and Many thanks. I kind of wish there weren't such restrictive time limits on some of them though.

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