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Author Gavia Baker-Whitelaw pointed out that these two ships were notorious for infighting amongst other shippers in the fandom, arguing that the fact that they topped Tumblr's fandometric list suggested that shipping culture on Tumblr was still mired in controversy. After reviewing literal tens of thousands of lines of data, we sorted the most popular stuff into 23 lists with our very own Fandometrics rating system--measuring searches, original posts, reblogs, and likes to rank your enthusiasm and love. Brides Throwing Cats 7. You must login or signup first! Boku no Hero Academia 6. For example, user solarsyrup posted a Surprised Pikachu joke to illustrate the point, gaining over 50, notes shown below, right. Shortly after Yahoo's acquisition in May , web analytics firm SimilarGroup released an analysis of adult-only content on Tumblr based on data collected from May to April Morty gets an assjob from beth on the sofa - rick morty cartoon. A number of these blogs [3] use illustrated cartoons to respond to queries. This was the angle taken by several publications when reporting on the deletion. Infinite Scroll. EmojinalArt Gallery 8.

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