But pornhub

But pornhub

Consumers do not want to provide porn websites with their personal information, said Mike Stabile, the director of public policy for the Free Speech Coalition. By: Scripps News Staff. We must be vocal about it. Learn more. Rebecca Grapevine Louisville Courier Journal. The new Kentucky law requires online pornography providers to verify people accessing the sites are 18 by requiring users to submit proof of identification, like a government ID. Since then, more states have followed suit and many more are considering them in their respective state legislatures as we speak. Then you must upload all of this and pass it through an age verification system. Change begins with raising our voices, educating others, and engaging in these important conversations on our socials to spread the message. Its exit is planned for June Gex Willams, R-Verona, added the proposal to a different bill via a last-minute floor amendment. Users have to provide private information to be age-verified.

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