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Again, this can be applied to other behaviors, like gambling, gaming, watching non-erotic movies or tv, distance running or bicylcing, shoplifting You might, too. Naughty America really needs porn just like water!! Seems like your dude is hiding from something and depending on an old reliable habit to help him avoid dealing with it. Acknowledge that he is going to want some alone time once in a while, and that you're okay with it. There are of course men who never do this; we call these people "Mike Pence," and they are awful. Any talk like this, especially around the subject of masturbation, carries the risk of sounding like a s hygiene film. I take the marijuana as an example. It winds us up and saps our life force at the same time. I think pornography poses a danger in as much as it gives a false impression as to what normal sexual activity should be like. I recommend less "stop doing the shameful thing," and more "hey, how about including me in this relationship? What do you think?

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