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Boruto pornhub

She and Shizune later perform an autopsy on the Zetsu's body and discover its Wood Release capabilities. Before she goes, Sarada notes that Sakura must be happy since Sasuke has come back to Konoha, to which Sakura replies that Sarada must be the happiest. They fight Kabuto and his forces several more times, during one of which Sakura is knocked out by the Nine-Tailed Naruto Clone , but Kabuto is ultimately driven off. Sakura becomes worried that Naruto is too proud to not try to answer the question, and that when he inevitably gives the wrong answer his disqualification will ruin his dreams of becoming Hokage. They finally locate Sasuke, but Obito is unable to keep the portal open long enough for Sasuke to run to it. Main article: Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission With the intel gained from Sasori, Team 7 begins planning to meet the spy in the hopes that it will help them reunite with Sasuke. She had a healthy childhood, raised by her parents without any serious tragedy or complications, unlike her team members. While she was at the Academy, Sakura always got perfect scores in all of her tests. In order to help them deal with this, Sakura and Ino Yamanaka opened a clinic within the Konoha Hospital that would assess and treat children's mental health. Boruto uzumaki x hinata hyuuga hinata uzumaki incest; oral sex; blowjob; creampie; 3d sex porno hentai; 1; [naruto; boruto]. Before leaving, Sasuke used his Sharingan to erase Sakura's memories, along with everyone else of the past, of the recent events to protect the timeline. She regroups with her teammates and decide to find the rest of Kido's henchmen, but find them defeated by fire and genjutsu, and they realise this is Sasuke's doing and he had just disappeared.

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