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Of his victims, Tierney said: "His intent was to hunt them down. Discussing digital evidence, the DA said so far, they have combed 15 different cameras, 27 computers, 58 internal hard drives, 22 external hard drives, 46 cell phones, 9 wifi routers, 44 SD microcards, 17 tablets, 42 USB devices, 8 laptops, 50 hotel cards, 36 SIM cards, floppy discs, and more. Robert Macedonio, attorney for Gilgo's estranged wife Asa Ellerup, said his client and the couple's grown children are away. The marriage was the second for both his client and Heuermann, Macedonio said. Heuermann committed these homicides, he was living a double life that Ms. Taylor's remains were located less than a mile from where the Gilgo Four were discovered, prosecutors said. Also, a cross bar was listed in the "prep" section. There was also a section for supplies needed to carry out serial murders "to avoid apprehension and to avoid leaving behind DNA evidence," the DA said. Of Heurmann's feelings on the new charges, Brown said, "He's horrified. After 27 years with Mr. The document evinces his intent in committing the charged crimes. Ellerup married Rex Heuermann in

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