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Tired of Hollywood, Fenn contemplated starting a European career when she starred opposite Ray Winstone in the British psychological drama and huis-clos Darkness Falls as a wealthy, neglected wife, sequestered with her husband by a man determined to understand the events that led to his wife ending up in a coma. In , List appeared in the drama film The Trouble with Cali , which was received negatively. In , Hall's list of credits grew to include her first television role, as Corretta Lipp on the prime-time drama Ally McBeal, which was a recurring role for several episodes. Is that a good thing? Archived from the original on February 28, She was living in London studying dance, acting and singing when she was cast in her first professional acting role as the lead in the rock musical The Apple , which was chosen to open the Montreal World Film Festival in and has since developed a cult following, being screened - twice, due to popular demand - at Lincoln Center in New York City. No one denies he delivered some brilliant standup in his pomp — but all those cynical gags about predatory maleness no longer sound quite so funny. When U. One week after classes began, she got an offer she couldn't refuse. Archived from the original on December 3, But owners and general managers, that's how they make their living through the business of baseball. You can't plot things out.

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