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It is not transphobic to demand Lemieux lose some cup sizes before teaching impressionable children, according to the submission of transgender woman Julia Malott at a special hearing of the Halton District School Board on Wednesday, held to debate whether a dress code for teachers should be enforced. Previous 1 of 5. The Oakville High School teacher went viral after pupils filmed her in classes. Updated Aug. It refused to identify the educator while warning that the wrong person had been named in online reports. Updated Sep. Lemieux's neighbor shared the teacher "infrequently" wears the breasts. Contact The Author Name required. Thanks for contacting us. Email required. Lemieux was seen skydiving in full prosthetics. Parents also claimed that when Lemieux was working as a substitute teacher at another local school after sustaining a foot injury, pupils were threatened with suspension for taking pictures or videos of the teacher in prosthetics and makeup.

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