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She gained instant fame in India when she was crowned 'Miss India ', taking over this title from Bollywood actress, Celina Jaitley. Katrina Kaif. Parineeti Chopra is an Indian actress and singer who appears in Hindi films, was born on in Ambala, Haryana into a Punjabi family. Seline, who practices in Ernakulam. Maryam Zakaria. Recently viewed. Top categories. Although linguistically challenged, Katrina puts on a bold face and states that other Bollywood artistes like Sridevi, who did not know Hindi, did get offers from Bollywood film-makers, and she is no different. Neha finished amongst the top 10 in the 'Miss Universe '. Asin starred in the original Telugu version, so she was the obvious choice for the Tamil remake, opposite Jeyam Ravi. Taking the cue from other personalities from Indian Cinema, she changed her name to Eesha Koppikhar. Shilpa went to school at St.

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