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On this week's episode Melanie and I are so happy to get to talk to our great friend Travis Cottrell , also known as FryDaddy here on the podcast. The whole experience did not disappoint. Grey's Anatomy scrubs. Most Popular. You can find a list of links from this podcast right here. And listen - are we all ever glad that Melanie toughed it out and recorded the episode despite her upper respiratory challenges, because she comes in strong with an update on 1 the raccoons that live next door to her and 2 the latest Royal Family news. We also discuss my obsessive analysis of patio furniture as well as one of Ben Platt's most recent songs. In addition to all that goodness, Melanie shares an update on Imogene from Imogene's basement we talked about it in episode , and she also weighs in with a verdict on her new pillow. Remember, the word for the day was "hodgepodge;" this episode really is a little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing. The good news is that maybe this episode won't cost you a lot of money for new skin care products. If listening to Melanie and me troubleshoot our technical issues is your idea of quality podcast material, then this, my friends, is going to be the episode of your dreams. Finally, we dig into whether Taylor Swift was inspired by Beyonce' or if she borrowed from Beyonce' - and then we go on and on about our very favorite sunscreen.

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