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In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast , Joshua and Ryan talk about sex and porn addiction—how to recognize it, how to break it—and, conversely, even the possible positive attributes of porn with director, media personality, and adult film star Lisa Ann , and they answer the following questions:. AV Jiali. Obsolete object: letting go in the blink of an eye. Discussed in This Episode How can I decouple my identity from my career? Julia Raz , and they answer the following questions:. How can I plan a minimalist wedding? Why are we obsessed with self-improvement? In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast , Joshua and Ryan talk about inner conflict, self-doubt, and self-hatred with author, speaker, and attorney Mel Robbins , and they answer the following questions:. Quality Quality reset All. How do we respectfully ask others to treat us as we want to be treated? Log in to favorite videos, comment and create playlists! Your friends and family are not responsible for your upset.

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