Azula pornhub

Azula pornhub

Another point to add here, is that Azula's fire burns blue while Zuko's burns red like everyone else. Send a private message to ZSSamus. I find the dynamic of a younger sister dominating her older brother isn't pulled off better anywhere else in mainstream media. JavaScript is disabled. However, ive never found one that explores the real extent of the domination Azula had over Zuko. Azula is so much faster and smarter than her brother that she is able to evade every one of his attacks effortlessly, and she controls most of the fight without even using her bending. Jan 21, 3, Would anyone be interested in a story about Azula and Zuko? Regardless, I thought it would just be interesting to see what other people think about this, and if they ever liked the Azula-Zuko relationship as much as I did. Reactions: Merlin , natt , Kalrotix and 2 others. New posts. Jan 20,

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