Arkansas banned pornhub

Arkansas banned pornhub

James Bickerton is a Newsweek U. Like, no shit, but is the lack of child pornography really the core issue at that point? On Thursday, Judge Timothy L. Hot Top Controversial New Old. Pornhub goes dark in Arkansas after age verification law kicks in Pornhub is protesting this law and others by blocking the site. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It also contains lots of features, from Ad blocking plugins to antiviruses. In a statement sent to Newsweek, Alex Kekesi, Pornhub's vice president of brand and community, commented: "Unfortunately the Texas law for age verification is ineffective, haphazard, and dangerous. The Texas law was also slated to take effect today. Login Form. It "rebuffs nearly every argument made by state legislatures," she said. Oct 25, 9,

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