Are orgies fun

Are orgies fun

Join the news democracy Where your votes decide the Top Register Log in. As everyone arrived we had some drinks and chatted. How did I get here, having an orgy in the middle of the week with a group of very attractive people? Many orgies take place in venues with bars and lounges, and you'll meet tons of new people. Orgies do not interest me. With so many people, and so much Some people don't take part but they're still present. Once had a situation with two women simultaneously and while an interesting experience, it was kinda overwhelming. Three of us women tested out many of the floggers and paddles on one of the guys, and I got to introduce one gal to my favourite toy, the Satisfyer; a clitoral toy that uses suction to give very intense orgasms. I never thought I'd see certain body parts go into certain other body parts, but with so many people and so many preferences, you're always bound to see something new. What if totally naked people stole it and got it sloppy? I don't see why orgies would be wrong.

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