Arcwave ion pornhub

Arcwave ion pornhub

General Forum Questions? And I just can't always cum having just the top half being squeezed and "slid over" with the sleeve. One of the first things I ever put in my ass after fingers was an Aneros toy. I've only used it a few times so far but was worked wonders IMO. Yourdoll Forum. Past 3 months. Post by MoviePilot » Tue Dec 08, pm. The Voy is a space-age stroker for penises that follows up their innovative pressure wave toy for dicks, the Ion. The Bestvibe Glans taught me an important lesson: not all multifunction sex toys are bad, and even when their individual parts do have flaws, the combination of different sensations within one object can be a huge benefit all on its own. Since reviewing the CB earlier this year, my chastity kink has only gotten bigger, as has my collection of cages. Filter by: Date added Date added reset All. Post by melistr » Thu Dec 30, pm.

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