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Also a robot. After a few hundred million years, they started singing either because they're sick of immortality , or the humming is a sort of "check engine light". A businessman who manages the town shop and the player's home loan. He then sells the items as rarities on his own island for higher exchange rates. I got permission to put it here! Simple; your character and all the NPC are, in fact, non-existent and part of the simulation to guide the villagers on the road to recovery. Tom Nook will be an Eevee or a Zigzagoon for both mythological and scientific reasons , and Resetti will be a Drilbur. The entire series is part of an alien experiment Aliens in the animal crossing world have for a long time, abducted humans and animals, the animals they uplifted while the humans are brought to live in a town full of animals, solely to study the interactions between the two types of people. Animal Crossing takes place in a mostly-isolated village after the events of Undertale - maybe a few years in the future. And like I mentioned on a WMG near the bottom, when the animals move out, it's because they were so friendly to you they earned their wings and ascended to heaven. Retrieved October 3, I don't know what woke me up, but, going by the scream and the fear in my gut, I'm guessing it was a nightmare.

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