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For more information about how we process your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Notice. Hey Bethesda, make this happen as DLC, please. Kylie Cheung Kylie Cheung Aug 24, Manage Cookies. The soldiers, mad scientists, and random civilians squabbling about their personal lives on the streets, were all a fairly equal mix of men and women. You can switch off cookies at any time by visiting the Manage Cookies option at the footer of the page. Learn more about our Affiliate Policy. Monte Lin Monte Lin Jul 31, Personally speaking, I went with a female character for my first play through, partially out of affection for her voice actress Courtney Taylor, and partially because I just found it more interesting from a roleplaying perspective, fitting well with my own play style. Some groups were all one gender, some all of the other, some an even mix between the two. Sadistic Glamour Girls. Add that to the DLC list.

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