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By Versha Sharma. Making It Behave. A quick search on Google by CNA showed multiple results, including one site that offered to fulfil requests to generate deepfake porn images of local celebrities and influencers. Steve Nadis. The eSafety commissioner has step-by-step video guides on a range of online safety topics, from how to change your privacy settings on social media, to how to choose strong passwords. Becoming a nonspeaking person changed my relationship with time and with other people. Responsibility lies with society as a whole: we must advocate for widespread legal and societal changes to protect individuals' rights and dignity, and so end nonconsensual deepfake porn for good. Bookmark Bookmark Share. Read more. Experiments show that asking AI chatbots to work together on a problem can compensate for some of their shortcomings. Once installed, the user interface is quite intuitive. But as society becomes more educated on AI, people may realise how common deepfakes are.

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