Adblock pornhub

Adblock pornhub

There's no way we can block them i'm afraid! How does the story end? Moderated forums. What could be better? I have a myriad blocks and css modifications and even site additions and other things set up that have absolutely nothing to do with ads, and being able to do that reliably is important. This describes advertising in general. It's not up to me to make sure their business model works. It might not be as busy as the other forums but don't hesitate to come in and ask your question. For example, many smartphones today have preinstalled software like Google Play Services that sends data to Google and to manufacturer. It's my screen, and my computer, and I don't see a difference between an ad blocker and, say, putting post-it notes over the screen to physically block the space the ads are appearing in. No videos, flashing animations, pop-overs, pop-unders or audio. I think it's been done micropayments , but perhaps being able to pay for a fraction of something is needed these days.

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