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Upon Piper's arrival, Mazall immediately asks her the details of her birth, as she is heavily into astrology. Not a straight example, as her girlfriend Chinkyuu is the one who brings up her Pet the Dog moments. Yandere extraordinaire. Duration Duration reset All. She wakes up to herself in the fourth book, by which time Laura has married Jack — although both of them remain gay — and had a daughter. Diane from Mulholland Dr. Va Sucking Dick. Video Games. The first lesbian in Jorenian history turns out to be a drug-fueled rapist and murderer with oddly vague reasoning for her infatuations She gets over her madness and her racism, though. Filter by: Date added Date added reset All. Sure, she gets presented relatively sympathetically as the series progresses, as it gets revealed she only acts like a bitch, but not before forcing one of her subordinates into sex with her and trying to do the same with Kannu.

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