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A few studies show that LGB youth may demonstrate higher rates of disordered eating than heterosexual youth. Money J. The chapter next examines contextual influences, such as demographic characteristics and the role of the family. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual homeless youth: An eight-city public health perspective. In , Saewyc and colleagues performed secondary analyses on three different waves of the British Columbia Adolescent Health Survey , , and waves. The first study using these data to examine the association between sexual orientation and health risk behaviors was published in Pediatrics in Garofalo et al. Survival sex work and increased HIV risk among sexual minority street-involved youth. However, little current research is available to show how this process might differ for contemporary adolescents as a result of increased awareness, greater access to information, and changes in media representation of LGB people. Dating violence among gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents: Results from a community survey. Another study comparing sexual minorities at colleges with and without LGB resources found that sexual-minority women were less likely to smoke at colleges with LGB resources, but sexual-minority men were more likely to binge drink at these same colleges Eisenberg and Wechsler, b. Journal of the American Medical Association. Interventions designed to decrease homelessness are lacking, and limited research on the specific health needs of homeless LGBT youth has been conducted.

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